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I believe that we ask a lot of horses mentally and physically on a daily basis, in return they deserve to be relieved of that stress. 

Welcome! If you have come across my website, you are probably looking for a way to help your horse release their tension and increase their range of motion. My goal with every horse is to help bring their body back into balance inside and out. Most of the information you will need to decide if I am the right choice for you and your horse is on this website. If you find you still have questions, feel free to contact me.

What can I offer your horse?

What is musculoskeletal and cranial unwinding?

This modality is complementary to the massage program I was already offering. The musculoskeletal part, is the process of balancing the horses' meridians, releasing tight fascia, deep muscles and trapped emotions, which helps bring the skeletal system back into alignment.

The cranial part is the release of the horse's skull and balancing out the cerebral spinal fluid, which surrounds the brain and spinal cord. The plates in the skull can become compressed due to a number of reasons such as, pulling back when tied, hitting head off a board, etc. When the plates become compressed it can cause behavior changes in the horse; pressing their forehead against things (head ache), dull eyes, uneven height of nose or eyes, reluctance when you are trying to handle their face during haltering are just a few of the issues that could occur.

Will musculoskeletal and cranial unwinding make a difference?

If you are willing to commit to helping your horse move better, then yes it absolutely will help! The photo on the right is of my gelding Milo; he is 25 years old this year. I have spent the last few months releasing the tension he was holding onto and working through any internal issues that come up (intestinal blockages, detox, releasing trapped emotions, and much more). 

You can see now that his eyes, nostrils and mouth are softer. He no longer holding him self upright but has now allowed his whole topline to relax down. He is comfortable standing square and his belly is not sagging. 

Now that his body is back aligned where it is supposed to be, I can start to built his muscles up with the proper movement. When you aren't tense and restricted, you don't have to compensate with other muscles.


Benefits of Massage


- Increase in oxygen input and carbon dioxide output.

- Increase vital cavity (amounts of air coming in and out at a normal rate).

- Expands bronchial tubes.


- Increase range of motion

- Increase nutrition to muscle

- Breakdown of scar tissue

- Decreased recovery time of fatigued muscles.


- Increases circulation (the #1 effect of massage)

- Strengthens heartrate

- Increase oxygen movement and carbon dioxide disposal.


- Assists detoxification

- Reduces swelling in limbs (stocking up) and injured areas.

- Assists immunity


- Stimulates gut

Stimulates increased activity of muscles and vessels and glands.

- Relieves pain and irritations

Who am I?

Now that I have given you some insite about what I offer, I will tell you about who I am. My name is Jess and I am based out of Vanderhoof, BC. I have had a passion for horses since I was little, and that passion never diminished. When I decided that I that I was going to work with horses in some form, I wanted it to be something that was specifically for the horses' benefit. Not asking anything of the horse, just help them feel better in their own body. Being able to rebalance a horse's body so that they can regulate themselves is such a fulfilling feeling. 


I always welcome the opportunity to travel. Even if I am not in your area, please still send me a message. I can usually find enough horses in your area to make the trip work.


There is always an opportunity to learn something new. Horses have a way of pushing us outside our scope of knowledge. They make us want to learn how to be better for them and for ourselves. 




University of Guelph - Equine Studies 

I decided to start my education with the online courses offered through the U of G, so that I could have an understanding of how the horse's body works. I took courses in equine anatomy, equine exercise physiology, equine business management, equine genetics, equine nutrition, management of the equine environment and equine behaviour. 


August 2018

Certified Advanced Equine Sports Massage & Vertebrae Realignment Therapist

Equine Rehab with Sidonia McIntyre

I spent 6 weeks with Sidonia at her course in Edmonton, AB. We were learning at the Whitemud Equine Learning Centre, where we had a variety of different horses to learn with. I learned techniques which included: massage theory, advanced massage techniques, assessment and treatment of soft tissue injurie, palpation, scar tissue removal, lymphatic drainage, deep fascia and dura matter release, colic relief, advanced equine anatomy, advanced assessment of the body, joints and confirmation of the horse, health check, hydrotherapy, stretches, anatomy of movement, conformation, gait assessment, saddle fit assessment, equine behaviour, horsemanship, assessment of the spinal column, vertebrae realignment and joint play.


December 2022

Equine Musculoskeletal and Cranial Unwinding

Holistic Horse Works - April Love (Level 1 & 2 Home Study Course)

I started this course as I wanted to add some more depth to the knowledge I already have. The Level 1 portion provides an understanding of skeletal alignment and musculature, balancing the horses meridians and energy. All of the work is gentle movement that brings awareness and release to the body so it can function correctly.

The level 2 portion dives into working with the horse's skull plates, their cerebral spinal fluid, and the deep fascia and muscular releases.  


I am currently listed as a recommended practitioner on the Holistic Horse Works web page.


- Cancellation fees will apply for cancellations within 48 hours of the appointment. Fee will depend on how many horses were and which services were booked.

- The services and information I provide are not meant to diagnose or replace your regular vet care.


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